Friends of Ireland - The Tara Trust

Cairde na hÉireann,
Friends of Ireland
Ngā hoa mā o Airangi

Ireland is fortunate to enjoy special ties of kinship and history with Aotearoa New Zealand and with the many New Zealanders of Irish heritage. 

From our shared commitment to the United Nations, climate change, peacekeeping and development assistance, to the similarities we share as small island states with open economies and trade, as well as our strong traditions of music, sport, dance and literature. 

Ireland is fortunate to enjoy special ties of kinship and history with Aotearoa New Zealand and with the many New Zealanders of Irish heritage. 

From our shared commitment to the United Nations, climate change, peacekeeping and development assistance, to the similarities we share as small island states with open economies and trade, as well as our strong traditions of music, sport, dance and literature. 

Supporting Wellbeing & Mental Health in

This summer, we’re all feeling the impacts of the cost of living crisis in some way – physically, emotionally, and financially. Some of us may be feeling homesick. We’ve assembled some great tips to help you through and boost your mental wellbeing.

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Conradh na Gaelige Aotearoa

The Gaelic League Aotearoa

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